Are Orbeez Guns illegal In NY? (Yes, Only In Public)

Are Orbeez Guns illegal in NY?

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Orbeez guns, also known as water bead guns or water bead launchers, are popular toys among kids and adults alike. However, with the recent increase in the popularity of these toys, many people are wondering are Orbeez Guns illegal in NY?

The short answer is Yes, they are considered air rifles by the NY State, making them illegal to be used in public spaces. However, it doesn’t mean that you can’t use them entirely.

What are Orbeez Guns?

Orbeez guns are toys that shoot small, colorful balls called Orbeez. These balls are made of a special material that can absorb water and grow to over 100 times their original size.

The Orbeez are then loaded into the gun and shot using air pressure. These toys can be a lot of fun, but it’s important to understand the laws surrounding them before purchasing them.

Here is everything you need to know about Orbeez Guns.

Are Orbeez Guns Considered Firearms?

In general, Orbeez guns are not considered firearms. They do not use gunpowder or other explosive materials, and they do not fire a projectile that can cause serious injury.

However, the laws surrounding these toys can vary from state to state, and it’s important to check your local laws before purchasing one.

NY State Laws on Orbeez Guns

In New York, the laws surrounding Orbeez guns are a bit complicated. According to the New York Penal Law, Orbeez guns are not considered firearms. However, they are considered to be “air rifles.”

This means that it is illegal to use an Orbeez gun in a manner that is likely to cause injury to another person.

Orbeez Gun Restrictions in NY

In NY, there are several restrictions on the use of Orbeez guns. For example, it is illegal to use an Orbeez gun in a public place, such as a park or a sidewalk.

Also, it is also illegal to use an Orbeez gun in a way that endangers the safety of others, such as shooting it at a car or a building.

Other than that, it is perfectly fine to use Orbeez guns.

Click Here to find an Orbeez gun in NY.

Penalties for Breaking Orbeez Gun Laws in NY

If you are caught breaking the laws surrounding Orbeez guns in NY, you could face serious penalties.

For example, you could be charged with a Class A Misdemeanor, which carries a maximum penalty of up to 1 year in jail and a $1,000 fine.

Additionally, if you use an Orbeez gun to cause injury to another person, you could be charged with a more serious crime, such as assault.

Orbeez Gun Safety Tips

If you are planning on purchasing an Orbeez gun in NY, it’s important to follow these safety tips:

  • Always use the Orbeez gun in a safe and responsible manner.
  • Always use Orbeez gun within a private property
  • Do not use the Orbeez gun to harass or intimidate someone.
  • Store the Orbeez gun in a safe place when not in use.
  • Do not use the Orbeez gun in a public place or in a way that endangers the safety of others. 

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Can Orbeez guns cause injury?

Although no toy blaster is entirely devoid of risk when misused, Orbeez guns fall towards the lower end of the danger spectrum. When utilized with appropriate protective gear such as glasses and masks, they can be employed safely for recreational gel ball battles.

The most severe potential injuries, such as blunt force trauma to the eyes, would necessitate intentionally aiming at vulnerable areas from an unsafe distance. However, even in such cases, the risk remains low owing to the soft nature of hydrated Orbeez beads.

How to make your Orbeez fight safe?

Even if your local area lacks specific bans, it’s crucial to exercise responsibility when engaging in Orbeez warfare. Here are some tips for the proper use of Orbeez blasters:

  • Protect Your Eyes! A close-range impact of an Orbeez round to the eyes can lead to serious damage. Always don shatter-resistant protective glasses or goggles.
  • Seek Consent: Only utilize Orbeez guns on private property with explicit consent from the property owner and all participants. Assuming that people are comfortable with being bombarded is an invitation for trouble.
  • Gear Up: In addition to eye protection, consider wearing gloves, long sleeves, and masks to prevent accidental skin irritation and welts during intense battles. Personal experience has taught me that getting hit point-blank on the knuckles stings!


Orbeez guns are not considered firearms in NY, but they are considered to be “air rifles” This means that it is illegal to use an Orbeez gun in a manner that is likely to cause injury to another person.

If you are planning on purchasing an Orbeez gun in NY, it’s important to follow the laws and regulations surrounding these toys and to always use them in a safe and responsible manner.